" Stewards of the Natural Environment "
Billings, Montana @ ZooMontana
What we do.....
Tree planting
Tree pruning
Tree trimming
Shrub pruning
Leaf raking
Tree removal
Stump removal
Tree inspection
Orchard maintenance
Bare root planting
Nursery tree care
Accession record keeping
If you're interested in a rewarding volunteer experience, enjoy the Montana weather and love trees then perhaps the Yellowstone Arboretum is your answer. We are looking for energetic people to help our staff with the great job of making the arboretum and ZooMontana a community destination spot. With over 70 acres of trees and woody shrubs the job has unique challenges that can be spirited, educational and fun. Just fill out the simple form below and a member of our team will contact you with all the information you need to put you on a rewarding path to a wonderful outdoor experience!
Days and hours are flexible
Pick from a list of arboretum activities
Freedom of schedule
Work with a great crew
Get a tree education
On site training
For other inquiries please feel free to contact us at: billingsbotanical1@gmail.com