" Stewards of the Natural Environment "
Billings, Montana @ ZooMontana


Located along the Lynx Pathways between the Lynx and Wolf holding buildings stands a small grove of Spruce trees. It contains two important species, the Koyami and Serbian Spruce. Both of these trees are considered "Endangered" species. We have tried to explain what that means below. The arboretum has identified this area for conservation control.
Over 8000 tree species, representing 10% of the planet's trees, are threatened with extinction due to the degradation or destruction of woodland and forest habitat, unsustainable timber production or natural disasters such as typhoons or hurricanes.
GPS 45D 44' 10" N / 108D 37' 46" W

A critically endangered (CR) species is one that has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
The IUCN considers a species threatened if the population is vulnerable to endangerment in the near future. A species is considered endangered if the population faces a high risk of extinction. The IUCN has seven different categories in which they classify species.

Picea koyamae is a rare spruce, endemic to the Akaishi Mountains and Yatsugatake Mountains in central Honshu, Japan. It is an evergreen tree growing to 25 m tall, with a trunk diameter of up to a meter.
Scientific name: Picea koyamae
Conservation status: Critically Endangered (Population decreasing)
Higher classification: Spruce
Rank: Species
Using recently published distribution maps (Katsuki et al. 2010), the extent of occurrence (EOO) of Picea koyamae has been calculated as less than 100 km². Historical events such as logging, fire, typhoons and landslides have led to relatively small, fragmented stands. Recent genetic studies indicate that there has been and is little genetic exchange between these populations (Katsuki et al. 2010) . Changes in precipitation, snowfall, temperature, and the frequency of severe weather events associated with climate change is also having an effect on the quality of habitat and regeneration. There has been a reduction of the area of occupancy and there continues to be a loss of mature individuals. This species is therefore listed as Critically Endangered.
• native to southeastern Europe
• zone 4
Habit and Form
• evergreen tree with pendulous branches
• narrow, conical shape
• 50' to 60' tall and 20' to 25' wide, can reach over a 100'
• slow growth rate
• medium texture
Summer Foliage
• dark green in color with no stomatal line on upperside of leaf
• needles are 0.5" to 1" long
• needles tend to point forward and overlap
• needles are pointed on young trees, mature trees tend to have a rounded needle apex
• underside of leaf is glacous with 2 stomal lines
• no fall color, evergreen

Picea omorika, common name Serbian spruce, is a species of coniferous tree endemic to the Drina River valley in western Serbia, and eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a total range of only about 60 ha, at 800–1,600 m altitude.
Scientific name: Picea omorika
Conservation status: Endangered (Population decreasing)
Higher classification: Spruce
Rank: Species