" Stewards of the Natural Environment "
Billings, Montana @ ZooMontana

Guardians of the Garden
Catalogue A# 0093-029 SG32
Catalogue A# 0093-030 SG33
Catalogue A# 0093-029 SG32
Pinus nigra
Family: Pinaceae
origin: Europe
Common name: Austrian Pine
Location: Sensory garden-Beds 18, 19, 20
Number in accession: 29
Tree or Plant Type: AUSTRIAN PINE
Foliage: Evergreen (foliage year-round)
Native Locale: Non-native
Landscape Uses: Screen, Shade tree, Specimen
Size Range: Large tree (more than 40 feet)
Mature Height: 50-60 feet
Mature Width: 20-40 feet
Light Exposure: Full sun (6 hrs direct light daily)
Hardiness Zones: Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7
Soil Preference: Dry soil
Acid Soils: Tolerant
Alkaline Soils: Tolerant
Salt Spray: Tolerant
Soil Salt: Intolerant
Drought Conditions: Tolerant
Poor Drainage: Tolerant
Tree or Plant Type: COLORADO SPRUCE
Foliage: Evergreen (foliage year-round)
Native Locale: North America
Landscape Uses: Screen, Shade tree, Specimen
Size Range: Large tree (more than 40 feet),
Mature Height: 30-60 feet
Mature Width: 10-20 feet
Light Exposure: Full sun (6 hrs direct light daily),
Hardiness Zones: Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5 , Zone 6, Zone 7
Soil Preference: Moist, well-drained soil
Acid Soils: Tolerant
Alkaline Soils: Tolerant
Salt Spray: Tolerant
Soil Salt: Moderately Tolerant
Drought Conditions: Tolerant
Poor Drainage: Intolerant

Two species, Austrian Pine and Colorado Spruce, were planted during the construction of the Sensory Garden in 1993. These specimens were planted in Beds 18, 19 and 20 which surrounded the garden on all four sides. Planting has been determined to have been more dense on the north and west sides which is still indicated by the current trees in place. For historical perspective we've enclosed photos of the original plantings and two from the late 1990's looking towards the Schoolhouse Entry which is considered the North Hill or North Berm.
Catalogue A# 0093-030 SG33
Pinus pungens
Family: Pinaceae
Origin: Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico
Common name: Colorado Spruce
Location: Sensory garden-Beds 19 and 20
Number in accession: 18

This 35 inch Austrian pine provides overall benefits of: $72 every year.

This 35 inch Colorado Spruce provides overall benefits of: $139 every year.