" Stewards of the Natural Environment "
Billings, Montana @ ZooMontana


Starting from the Visitor's Center (23) follow the main pathway to Plaza Junction and a great collection of Maples. South through the Plaza you will find a variety of trees like the Swamp Oak, Manchurian Ash, Buckeyes, Laurel Willow and the Hackberry in the Children's Garden (16). Continue to the Children's Playground (17) surrounded by Siouxland Cottonwoods, Ponderosa Pines, Locust Trees and Spruce Grove of native White Spruce and Englemann Spruce (18).
Past the Eagle Habitat you will cross Canyon Creek (11) as it opens up to the Foster Waterfowl Refuge which is the largest native plant garden in Montana. Continue left to Bear Meadows (7) which features a "Pinetum" Dwarf Conifer Garden on the left along with Sensation Boxelders, Austrian Pines and Spruce on the right. A fantastic Aspen Colony (6) of Swedish Aspens can be found on the left at the Lynx Pathway. You will continue westward along the Lynx Pathway (5) with it's fantastic Fall colors, Bristlecone Pines, Douglas Fir, Endangered Spruce Grove, European Larch and colorful Sumac Collection.
The pathway opens up at Lodgepole Meadows (4), on the south side is Colorado Spruce , Eastern Red Cedar and Vanderwolf Pines. On the north (right) you will find Wichita Spruce, Amur Maple, Hedge Maples and Scots Pine. You are now at Wolverine Junction (13) so hang left at the Canada Red Chokecherry. Look for the Meadowlark Forsythia and Robinia opposite the Wolverine Habitat which blooms in Spring. Continue to the Millennium Grove and Asian Garden (12) and find a collection of Black Hills Spruce and The Asian Garden containing specimens also found in the far east including a Mongolian Oak, Ginkgo, Asian Pear and Viburnum Collection. A family picnic area and playground is along the path.
The tour continues westward to the Asian Habitats (3, 2, 1). We now have a unique blend of species including Russian Birch, Meteor Cherry and Boxwoods. The new Asian Maple Garden is on the right. Some of the area is off path and fenced so take a few minutes and look into the dense trees and try to find Gambel Oak, Siouxland Cottonwood and White Willows. On the Red Panda Knoll (east of the exhibit) are a Natchez Mock Orange and Robinia both which bloom in early June. The Bamboo Garden lies behind the knoll and is off path.
We have to backtrack to Wolverine Junction and turn northward continuing past the Wolf viewing platform to the next junction. Turn right and you are heading towards the Waterways and Foster Refuge (10). As you get closer look for several nice specimens such as a Callery Pear, Crabapple, Linden and Chinese Lacebark Elm. The Waterways contains a collection Douglas Firs, Boxwood, Hibiscus, Aspen and Alders. Small groupings of Daffodils highlight an early spring experience. At the Otter Collection (9) you will find Snowberries, Russian Olive, Junipers, Greasewood.
Continue west around the Otter Habitat and you find a Nature path which heads back to Wolf Junction. Turn right and cross the back bridge heading towards Dottie's Garden (14). Smaller specimens can be found here in this waterwise garden. The Remembrance Circle with it's Spring Snow Crabapples is worth a stop. Plenty of benches available for a rest.
As you continue on past the conifers of the Bison Exhibit journey through the Schoolhouse Entry and into the Homestead Collection (15, 19). This collection is made up of Maples, Hawthorns, Eastern Redbud, Coffee Trees, Willows, Larches and Dogwoods. Finally, follow the path through the barn, back under the Schoolhouse Entry and head to the Sensory Garden and Amphitheater (20, 22). These collections hold a multitude of different species including Weeping Junipers, Amur Chokecherry, Crabapples, Serviceberries, Locusts, Bur Oaks, Mountain Ash and Yellowhorn. This brings you back to the Visitor's Center and the end of the Self Guided Walking Tour.