" Stewards of the Natural Environment "
Billings, Montana @ ZooMontana

The trees found on this page are accessioned and found on the perimeter/outskirts of the arboretum at service gates or along service roads. These areas are off limits to visitors. More information will be forthcoming.
Featured Areas

Perimeter Accessions
Catalogue A# Multiple-Below
1. A# 2001-004
Pinus nigra
Family: pinaceae
Origin: native of Europe
Common name: Austrian Pine
Location: On hill behind Lynx exhibit
Number in accession: 3
Note: Transplanted as 8 ft. specimens in late October.In place but not thriving.
Curator's note: These specimens are quite healthy and growing as observed in Summer 2018
2. A# 2003-007
Pinus nigra
Family: Pinaceae
Origin: native of Europe
Common name: Austrian Pine
Locations: (12) Around pump house #1 near service gate and across roadway (3) Near Millennium Grove
Number in accession: 15
Note: of the 3 near Millennium Grove (1) survived (photo)
4. A# 0098-025
Pinus nigra
Family: Pinaceae
Origin: native of Europe
Common name: Austrian Pine
Location: West of amphitheater-chained off area
Number in accession: 3
3. A#0099-156
Juniperus scopulorum ' Gray Gleam'
Family: Cupressaceae
Origin: Horticultural form, Male
Common name: Gray Gleam Juniper
Location: South side of Conservation Center
Number in accession: 1

5. A# 2000-120
Acer saccharinum 'Silver Queen'
Family: Aceraceae
Origin: Quebec to Florida, to Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas,Oklahoma and Louisiana
Common name: Silver Queen Maple
Location: South side of Birds of Prey along service road
Number in accession: 1
Curator's note: Excellent example-off limits location-cannot be enjoyed by visitors
8. A# 2000-135
Juniperus scopulorum "Medora"
Family: Cupressaceae
Origin: Western North America, North Dakota Badlands
Common name: Medora Rocky Mountain Juniper
Location: Small riparian area east of Millennium Grove
Number in accession: 2
9. A# 2005-001
Robinia sp.
Family: Leguminoaseae
Origin: NA
Common name: Robinia
Location: Small riparian area south of Wolverines
Number in accession: (3) Original (2) Surviving
Curator's notes: Need too determine actual origin and name. Resembles hispida. Bloomed heavily June 2018