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Lodgepole Pine
Catalogue A# 2018-004  DG10
GPS 45D 43' 56" N / 108D 37' 22" W

Pinus contorta

Family: Pinaceae

Common name: Lodgepole Pine

Origin: North America-Western U.S.

Location: West of Bison exhibit entrance

Number in accession: 3

Note: Arboretum dedication trees, Non-native to Yellowstone County, interpretive sign along pathway

Other specimens located along Lynx Pathway

​This 6 inch Lodgepole pine provides overall benefits of: $31 every year. 

Lodgepole Pine

Small, slender tree to 35 m with whorled horizontal branches forming a conical crown. Bark thin, scaly, brown or gray. Leaves yellow-green, 4–8 cm long, 2 per fascicle. Seed cones ovoid but asymmetrical, 2–6 cm long. Scales tongue-shaped with a spine tip. Seeds with a conspicuous wing. Our plants are variety latifolia (Lesica 2012. Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. BRIT Press. Fort Worth, TX).

Species Range

Range Comments
In MT across western two-thirds of the state, east to Phillips and Big Horn counties; AK to CA, UT, CO, and SD


Pinus contorta, with the common names lodgepole pine and shore pine, and also known as twisted pine, and contorta pine, is a common tree in western North America. It is common near the ocean shore and in dry montane forests to the subalpine, but is rare in lowland rain forests.

overallbenefitsPINI6Park or other vacant

Lodgepole Pine-Density

State of Montana

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