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Crabapple - Red Jade
Catalogue A# 0096-020 SG15
GPS 45D 43' 56" N / 108D 37' 17" W

Malus 'Red Jade'

Family: Rosaceae

Common name: Red Jade Weeping Crabapple

Origin: Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Location: Sensory Garden-Bed 19- near waterfall

Number in accession: 1

Curators Note: Suffers from Fireblight-1997,2007,2018 which is common for this species

This 25 inch Crabapple provides overall benefits of: $110 every year.

​Common Name: weeping crabapple 
Type: Tree
Family: Rosaceae
Zone: 4 to 8
Height: 12.00 to 15.00 feet
Spread: 15.00 to 20.00 feet
Bloom Time: April
Bloom Description: White
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Suggested Use: Flowering Tree
Flower: Showy
Leaf: Colorful
Attracts: Birds, Butterflies
Fruit: Showy, Edible
Other: Winter Interest
Tolerate: Air Pollution


Best grown in medium moisture, well-drained, acidic loams in full sun. Adapts to a wide range of soils. Established trees have some drought tolerance. Although some flowers may be lost, it is best to prune this tree as needed in late winter. Spring pruning should be avoided as it produces fresh, open cuts where fireblight bacterium can enter.

overallbenefitsACPL25Park or other vacan
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