" Stewards of the Natural Environment "
Billings, Montana @ ZooMontana
Yellowstone Arboretum Program
Welcome to the Yellowstone Arboretum e-Bird program. In conjunction with Montana e-Bird, Cornell University and Montana Audubon we offer a birding opportunity for hobby ornithologists throughout the region. The ZooMontana grounds have been identified as a local hotspot for birding and we want to introduce our new program to enhance the existing wild bird population and offer the public an opportunity to share sightings with the rest of the world through a multi-tiered reporting choices. Here's a little introduction of the program and links to everything needs to make your birding experience take flight !
What is eBird ?
eBird is a free online checklist program from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. With eBirder you can:
Enter eBird sightings anywhere, any time
Track your observations over time
Learn what other eBirders are reporting and where
Discover trends in your own backyard or across the continent using colorful charts and graphs
By sharing your sightings with others through eBird, you'll help conservationists gain a better understanding of birds and the habitats they require.
Making Every Bird Count
Is watching birds a part of your life? Whether you're a novice or an expert birder, you can be part of a large, passionate group of people who are making a difference by archiving their bird sighting online. Take the simple spot of reporting your bird sightings to eBird at:
You can record any species, wherever and whenever you like. You'll be able to keep track of your own sightings with eBird's free online tools. You'll create a lasting legacy out of your bird's checklists-whether you start with today's sightings or contribute historic records by entering your checklists of yesteryear.
Be an eBirder
Become a part of the big picture. Scientists need your help understanding the "big picture" of bird distribution and abundance and how they might be changing over time. Your information helps answer questions such as:
Is global climate change having an impact on bird migration and breeding cycles?
How are new diseases affecting bird population?
Which species are declining in number and which are expanding their ranges?
Every eBird observation becomes part of Avian Knowledge Network, a powerful database with millions of records that scientists use to monitor bird populations.
Take Action Now !
We have several ways you can report your sightings either through eBird (info below and by clicking the reporting tab) or by rentering data on the Yellowstone Arboretum sight (either by computer or Smart phone also on the reporting tab).
Go to
Register for free
Start entering your sightings
Explore and look for trends using maps, charts and more
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